This is what your dashboard will look like when you first create your site.

What are these buttons?

This is optional, but you can delete these files. I would do it to keep things clean. However, you cannot delete the index.html file, as in neocities will not allow you to delete it (so you don’t need to worry about that). The index file is the default site visitors see when they type in the website’s URL.

I can’t access the delete button in gallery mode.

Switch over to the list-view.


What is a single page layout?

Using a single page layout means that your information will not be divided into multiple pages. All the information will be available on one page which includes the css stylesheet in the header.

Why would I want this?

It’s really up to the creator’s preference if they to allocate all their information onto one page. If the information you want to display is concise using a one-page layout is probably preferred.

Installation and maintenance are simpler, and in terms of management it would reduce having to click around your dashboard to access information.


Download the layout you want from the google drive. For single-page layouts this will only be one file. Choose your favorite method of downloading (there are many) but for this tutorial I went to the toolbar.

The file will likely appear in your downloads. If not, go to the ‘Downloads’ tab on your browser and click on ‘Show in folder’.

Can I just copy and paste the code without downloading?

Yeah! It goes into the index file on your website.


Return to your neocities dashboard and select ‘Upload’. Upload the file labeled ‘index’. This will overwrite your current index file.

It might take a while to appear on your dashboard but it will appear on your site and when you choose to edit it.

You’ve now installed the layout!


What is a multi-page layout?

The information is divided into webpages so that clicking a link in the navigation bar will bring you to a new page.

Why would I want to use a multi-page layout?


It keeps things more organized if you have a lot of information to display. Instead of having to scroll down a long terminal you can open up the page’s html file and access it that way.

Use multi-page layouts at your discretion. For new users this may be difficult to navigate.


Download the layout you want from the google drive. Layouts that offer a multi-page option will have a folder stored in the drive. Click on the folder and download all the files from the folder.

The file will likely appear in your downloads. If not, go to the ‘Downloads’ tab on your browser and click on ‘Go to file location’.

Once you have located the file, extract the file. A new window will open with the extracted folder (you can check its contents to make sure all the files have been extracted – it should match the ones in the google drive).


Return to your neocities dashboard and select ‘Upload’. Select all the files in the folder (shift+click on all the files, or left clicking in the space and dragging the selection over the files), and click on open.

All the files should be uploaded and the original index file will be overwritten. It might take a while to appear on your dashboard but it will be immediately accessible through the ‘edit’ or ‘view’.

You’ve now installed the layout!
